The Academic Enrichment
Cell of ICG in collaboration with the National Service Scheme organized
a Faculty Development Programme on Women & Adolescent Mental Health on
the 13th of October, 2007. The Resource Persons were Dr.
Pradeep Sharma, Professor of Psychiatry, SMS Medical College, Jaipur and
Ms. Pradnya Deshpande, a consulting Clinical Psychologist. They
addressed the issues related to Women & Adolescent Mental Health through
lecture and power point presentation. The programme was aimed at
generating awareness about Adolescent Mental Health issues and their
early symptomatic identification among the young adults at the right
time so that they do not develop into mentally ill adults, who if
untreated may have difficulties in their personal lives and in their
interaction with others. They also talked about VAW (violence against
women) and the ways it can be overcome.
The audience found the
activity interesting and enriching. |