A Guest Lecture was organized by Department
of Geography on 10th March, 2008. The lecture was delivered
by Dr. Jitendra Soni, Principal, Govt. Degree College, Almora,
Uttaranchal, on “Tsunami- an oceanic havoc” (post tsunamic impact and
remedial approach in India) and EI Nino (introductory remark).
Various aspects like origin of the concept,
different causes, post tsunami impacts on socio-economic fronts,
remedial effects, govt. policies for early warning system, role of
native people, measures to check the divesting situations, etc, were
discussed in the lecture.
General concept of EI Nino was also
discussed by Dr. J. D. Soni. He eloquently explain that how the EI Nino
oceanic oscillation effects the monsoon conditions of India.
Lecture was very informative and useful for the students. |