• 6th SEPTEMBER 2002 : Dr. Mrs. J.Shukla, Principal IIIM along with the faculty members Ms. Veena K. Arora and Ms. Kavaldeep Dixit conducted a one day training programme in NEI Ltd. on 'Creative Leadership'. This training programme was designed for the middle and lower level managers of the organization.

  • 16 & 17 DECEMBER 2002 : A two day training programme was organised for Mahindra & Mahindra Tractor Unit, Bagru, Jaipur entitled 'Personal Effectiveness'. It was conducted by Ms. Shalini Talwar, Asst. Principal, IIIM, Ms. Kavaldeep Dixit, Ms. Veena K. Arora & Ms. Manju Nair, Asst. Professors, IIIM. These sessions were targeted for the diploma engineers employed in the unit.

  • 19 DECEMBER 2002 : Ms. Shalini Talwar, Ms. Kavaldeep Dixit & Ms. Veena K. Arora undertook a one day training programme entitled 'The Essence of Leadership' for the senior level managers of Oasis Cellular Ltd., Jaipur.

  • 8 January 2003 to 15 January 2003

    An EDP workshop for women was organised by SISI in the campus of IIIM from January 8, 2003 to January 15, 2003. Mr. T.R. Bajalia, Director, Small Industries Service Institute inaugurated the workshop. The seven day programme included theoretical as well as demonstrative sessions like :

                   Silk Screen Printing

                    Manufacturing of Leather products

                    Manufacturing of Phenyl, Synthetic Gum and Detergent

    The last session was conducted on 'The Role of NSIC, ISO-9000, QMS and Product Certification' which enlightened the participants further.