International Institute of Management organized a National Level
convention on 'Thriving Marketing Strategies- In The New
Millennium' on 5th March, 2003 at the IIIM auditorium. The topic
was selected keeping in view the radical changes taking place in
the Indian Marketing scenario like the
entry of multinational corporations, professionalisation of
marketing strategies of Indian companies, product proliferation
and diversity of consumer choice etc. to name a few.
Ashok Gupta, Director, IIIM, said in his inaugural speech that
like nature management is also
a mystery and we have to keep trying to evolve things from
both. He said that this convention would offer a conceptual
insight into the vital linkages between concepts and strategies,
revolving around brands and marketing concepts in the backdrop of
Indian marketing reality and assist students in developing
themselves as “result oriented marketers” of the future. The
convention comprised of two technical sessions and one panel
Anjan Ray, Chief of Performance, Chemicals Division,
Jubilant,Organosys Ltd,New Delhi inaugurated the convension and
Mr. Anupam Tyagi CCSU Reliance Infocom delivered the key note
theme of the First technical session was “Persistent Profits : A
new look at marketing of financial products.” The main speakers
of this session were Dr. K.M. Bhattacharya, Managing Director, The
Bank of Rajasthan Ltd. and Dr. T.R. Bajalia, GM, IDBI. Their
lectures gave an insight on the newly globalised world where
integrated financial markets have became a reality and money needs
to be sold. The third speaker of the same session was Sh. C.K. Rai,
MD, Jaipur Dairy who elaborated on "Customer centric
permission marketing : conquer and control", the last speaker
was Mr. Manjeet S.
Narwan, GM, Hindustan Times who
focused on coping strategies for enterprisingly
aggressive marketers.
second technical session had a panel discussion in which various
eminent speakers from different sectors shared their views on
“Nitty Gritty of market dominance-Unlearning, redevising
and reinforcing sector specific marketing strategies for winning
the customer mind space.” This panel was anchored by
Ms. Kaval Deep Dixit, Asstt. Professor, Marketing, IIIM.
The other panel members were Mr. Ravindra Bhatia, Marketing
Manager, Hindustan Coca Cola Limited, Mr. Arvind Kankas, State
Coordinator, Petroleum Conservation and Research Association, Mr.
Rajveer Singh, Director McKizen, Dr. S.H.H. Kazmi, Faculty
Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan, Mr. Sandeep Tiwari, Branch Manager, LG ,
Mr. Atal Bhargava, Sales Manager, Park Plaza and Ms. Rakhee Roy,
Editorial Coordinator, Times of India. While discussing the
dynamics of the market, the panel agreed that the most innovative
strategies of the past have become outdated in the present
contexts, and to
remain competitive a marketer has to be skillful not only for
devising new strategies but also at unlearning the old ones.
valedictory session was addressed by Dr. Devi Singh Director, MDI
Gurgaon, Dr. Harivansh Chaturvedi, Director, BIMTECH and Mr.
Navaid Khan, CEO, Oasis Hexacom India Limited. Ms. Veena K. Arora
and Ms. Swati V. Chande anchored the convention and Ms. Ruby
Dwivedi delivered the vote of thanks. The convention proved to be
a facilitating platform for putting forth the new and dynamic
insight and concepts on the marketing and the relvance of new
strategies. |