'Prarthana Sabha' at IIS Gurukul |
“ Prayer is not an old woman's idle amusement. Properly understood and applied, it is the most potent instrument of action. “ - Mahatma Gandhi |
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God." The young and charming students of IIS Gurukul expressed their love and devotion by offering prayers to the god almighty. A 'Prarthana Sabha' was organized on 17 March 2006 in which all the students and teachers of IIS Gurukul participated and came together with the aim of remembering the lord who loves us in every manner and in every situation. It was an exemplary way of remembering the superpower as Bhajans, Shlokas, Hymn and Prayers of different religions were sung together. Together they created an entirely mesmerizing environment and every one present experienced a state of bliss. The ‘Prathana Sabha’ began with lighting of the lamp. The ‘Vedi’ was beautifully decorated depicting the unity of all religions. The students sung and offered ‘Shloka Paath’, ‘Hey Sharde Maa’, ‘Jain Dharm Prarthana’, ‘Raghupati Raghav’, ‘Muslim Dharma Prarthana’, ‘Sikh Dharm Prarthana’, ‘Tu Hi Ram Tu Hi Rahim’, ‘Har Desh Mein Tu’, ‘English Prayer’, ‘Sindhi Dharm Prarthana’ and others. IIS Director, Dr. Ashok Gupta appreciated the honest and sincere efforts of the students and wished them luck for success ahead and a wonderful future. |