Activities at IIS GURUKUL

A 2 day sports event was organised at 'Gurukul' on 18 & 19 Jan.2006. The young sports persons participated with full spirit in various races and  competitions. It was equally exciting for the spectators to see the young girls perform their best in the Needle and thread race, Potato spoon rase, Basket Ball Balancing Race, One Minute Water Game, Three Legged Race, Greeting Card Making Competition and various others. The winners were awarded on 16 February, 2006.

Results of Sports Activity held on 18 January 2006 and 19 January 2006.

1. 50 m Race - Grade 6
    I   -  Vidushi Saxena

    II  -  Gauri Baharia

2. 60 m Race - Grade 7
    I   -  Madhumala Chandel

    II  -  Sangeeta Jain

3. 100 m Race - Grade 8
    I    -  Shilpi Gaur

    II   -  Nisha Jethani

4. Relay Race - With Batton  - Grade 6

    I Sonu, Pooja Sain, Lata Raisinghani, Divya Nibhwani

5. Relay Race - Hopping  - Grade 7

    I : Anjali Ferwani, Ayushi Agrawal, Ashi Saxena, Priyanka Nandani

6. Relay Race - Basket Ball Balancing  - Grade 8

    I : Shilpi Gaur, Urvashi ferwani, Nisha Jethani, Charul Jetwani

7. Skipping  - Grade 6

    I : Sonu   2nd : Pooja Sain

8. Needle Thread Race  - Grade 8

    I : Kavita Morwani   2nd : Komal Raisinghani

9. Basket Ball Balancing  - Grade 7

    I : Pooja Arya   2nd : Varsha Choudhary

10. Three Legged Race  - Grade 6

    I : Varsha Goyal, Divya Singh   II : Gauri Baharia, Vidushi Saxena

11. Potato - Spoon Race  - Grade 7

    I. Jyoti Choudhary, II. Rama Sain, III. Vinita Nandwani

12. Dress up and Packing Race -  Grade 6

    I. Pooja Sain, II. Sonu, III. Richa Sharma

13. Pot Balancing Race -  Grade 8

    I. Meena Gurjar, II. Jyoti Sharma, III. Laxmi Kumari Varma

14. One Minute Water Game -  Grade 7

    I. Pooja Bairwa, II. Madhu Mala, III. Pooja Arya

15. Obstacle Race -  Grade 7

    I. Komal Raisinghani, II. Alka Sain, III. Nisha Jethani

Greeting Card making competition - 21 December 2005.

Best Cards were made by :

VI - Vidushi Saxena
VII - Monika Saini
VI - Charul Jetwani

Hindi Activity - 13 Jan 2006.
VI - Doha Recitation - I. Richa Sharma
VII - Doha Recitation - I. Tashu Jain, Aashi Saxena
VI - Hindi Debate - I Tanu Bhushan