National Teacher's Science Conference - 2003 

'Swagat... Abhinadan'


Ganesh  Vandana
Inaugural Ceremony : Lamp Lighting

"Teaching and learning can be great fun if the interest and the enthusiasm level of both the teachers & the students is equally encouraging." Chief guest Shri Madhav Singh Deewan, Minister, Science and Technology, Govt. of Rajasthan addressing the audience.

"We will definitely achieve our set targets with the help of concerned teachers and under the supervision of such learned guests." Welcome address by Dr. Amita Gill, Director, Science and Technology, Govt. of Rajasthan.

" Hope this conference will help the teachers to discover the innovative and practical aspect of a theory-based subject like science." Dr. Ashok Gupta, Director, India International School, Jaipur.

"The need of the hour is to develop scientific temper through maintaining a healthy and encouraging relationship between the teachers and their students, and by group discussions and interesting practical projects, so as to focus not only on the objective knowledge but to gain subjective knowledge."   
Dr. Lalit Kishore giving the key note address.

"There is no doubt about the fact that our students are talented. Many have shown outstanding results in foreign countries in the field of science and Technology. All we need is encourage them constantly." Sh. Ashok Sampatram, Secretary,  Science and Technology, Govt. of Rajasthan  giving the Presidential address.

The Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of Rajasthan and the Science Club of India International School jointly organised 'National Teacher's Science Conference-2003' on Wednesday, 9 April, 2003 at the  IIS Campus. The two day seminar was inaugurated by the Chief guest  Shri Madhav Singh Dee wan, Minister, Science and Technology, Govt. of Rajasthan.

The focal theme of the  the seminar was 'SCIENTIFIC TEMPER THROUGH INNOVATIVE PRACTICES'. One of the main motivation behind the conceptualising  and organisation of the Teacher's Science Conference was to demonstrate  the viability of an alternative mode 'Learning and Teaching by Doing' to help in inculcation of the scientific Temper. The conference provided an opportunity to learn developing Scientific Temper through curriculum, through co-curricular activities, through school management and using environment as laboratory for the same.