
The Placement cell serves as an inter face between the students and the corporates. Apart from bringing varied list of recruiters to the campus, the placement cell also organizes talks, study abroad seminars, internship opportunities and workshops for the collective student body. As and added feature skill building workshops such as ones on personal interviews, group discussions and personality development have been introduced to help make the placement cell more like a “career services” unit rather than just a facilitator for final placement.     

Placement Process

  • Registration Camp –

  • Final year -Campus recruitment

  • Pre-Final year-Summer Internships

  • Announcement of Schedule of company's visiting the Campus

  • Nomination Process

  • Pre-Placement Talk

  • Recruitment Process as decided by the Company (Written test/GD/PI)

  • Job Offers to selected candidates

  • Date of Joining as given by the recruiting company after final semester examinations are over.

Recruiters at ICG
