The students of IIS family commemorated- World Aged Day on 1 October 2009 with an enthusiastic zeal. They prepared charts, posters and slogans to support the view of ‘Active Ageing’ and ‘Golden Old Age’. Speeches were delivered in English and Hindi to propagate the idea of ‘Beautiful Old Age’ and “Love and Support to Older People’. Students were made aware of their role in building a strong bridge between the young and old generation for a better tomorrow in terms of emotions and relationships. The following students actively worked for this effective presentation:

            Name                                       Grade

Falguni Gupta                                       IX

Tanmayee Kala                                    IX

Chhavi Singh                                        IX

Apeksha Sethi                                      IX

Dolly Agarwal                                      IX

Aditya Krishnan Srivastav                     IX

Udit Pirohit                                           IX

Apeksha Tickoo                                   IX

Anushka Nayol                                    IX

Pratiksha Sahu                                      X

Rupali Agarwal                                     X

Kriti Mehra                                          XI

Aarti Bhalla                                          XI