Continuous Assessment

Scheme of Examinations 

Examination is the fundamental tool to evaluate the students’ grasp of the subjects they study and adjudge their performance in the courses they pursue. In the wake of Autonomy, the College has adopted the Semester pattern of study. In accordance with this system, the Scheme of Examinations will differ from the pattern followed by the University of Rajasthan. The main objective of the new scheme of evaluation is to reduce the burden and risk of the student in one time examination, as well as, make her more competent in various skills of learning. The scheme has been designed so as to encourage the student to make an in-depth and thorough study of her subjects. This will be accomplished through Continuous Assessment. The student will be evaluated through tests, home assignments and other methods when her memories are fresh and thus she has the opportunity to show the best performance.   

I.   Scheme of Examination for UG First and Second  year and PG programmes: 

The examinations for UG First and Second  year and PG programmes:  will be conducted by the college in consonance with the Semester pattern of study. There will be two semesters:

v    The Autumn Semester-beginning July and ending with Semester End Examinations in November.

v    The Spring Semester- beginning December and ending with Semester End Examinations in April.

The Evaluation will comprise of: 

  • Continuous Internal Assessment (30% of the total marks), and,

  • Semester End- Examination (70% of the total marks)

Assessment will be made by way of credit-cum-percentage system. In order to pass a paper a candidate will be required to obtain at least 36 % marks in continuous assessment and 36% marks in the Semester-End Examinations separately. When the candidate fulfils these criteria, she will be awarded the credits assigned to the paper.   

In order to be eligible for the award of a Degree, a student must clear all the papers of the subjects she opts and other papers/ activities prescribed in the curriculum and earn the minimum required credits, assigned to the programme. For instance, a student studying for a Degree in the Bachelor of Arts (BA) would be conferred the same only when she has passed all the subjects/papers she has opted for, qualifies in all the foundation courses, and earns the minimum required credits assigned to various co-curricular activities.


i.                   Continuous Internal Assessment: 

The Internal Assessment shall be a continuous process and shall comprise 30% of the total marks assigned to each paper. The distribution of marks for theory papers shall be as per the following scheme:

a) Written tests                                    

b) Home assignments                                  

c) Quiz

d) Attendance                                      


* Scheme of C.A at UG & PG level:



Practicals/Projects may have different schemes of evaluation suited to the nature of the subject and the job assigned.

I.  Scheme of Examination for UG III year; BVA III & IV year

The Examination for the aforesaid programmes shall be conducted by the University of Rajasthan in accordance with the pattern specified in the syllabi thereof.  

II.  Scheme of Examination for Career Oriented and Skill Development Courses: 

The evaluation of Career Oriented and Skill Development Courses will be done in accordance with annual scheme of examination. The scheme of exams of these courses will be different from those of the Semester Examinations. However, the evaluation of these courses shall include, Continuous Internal Assessment and Annual External Examination. The weightage for Internal Assessment will be 30% and Annual Examination will be 70%.

In order to qualify the course, a student will be required to secure at least 40% marks in the Internal Assessment and Annual Examination separately in each paper.