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Internal Hackathon for Smart India Hackthon-2023

  • Events

On September 26, 2023 the institute organized an “Internal Hackathon for Smart India Hackthon-2023”. Ministry of Education (MoE) in Joint collaboration with All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) is going to organize a nationwide initiative Smart India Hackathon 2023 to provide students a platform to solve some of the pressing problems we face in our daily lives, and thus inculcate a culture of product innovation and a mindset of problem solving.

The teams participated enthusiastically and top performing teams were shortlisted to compete in Internal Hackathon for Smart India Hackthon-2023. Students’ presented their innovative ideas in form of software solutions and presentations for the problems given by various Ministries, Departments, Industries, PSUs and NGOs. The judges for the event were Mr. Dinesh Dialani, Sr. Security and Privacy Architect, HID Global, Mr. Lokesh Yadav, Project Manager, Infosys, Mr. Paritosh Prasad, Associate Manager, AIC-JKLU and Dr. Kavya Saini, Associate Professor, ISIM. They judged the activity on basis of idea presentations and software execution. The esteemed judges mentored and evaluated all the participating teams and certificates were provided to winning teams in Internal SIH 2023. The teams will compete for next level of SIH 2023 to be held in November 2023.