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Guest Lecture on “Time Management“

IIERD has organized a guest lecture on 06/04/2024 on the topic Physical Health Awareness for this Dr. Yamuni Bhandari, Assistant Professor, College of Physiotherapy & Allied Health Science, IIS University was invited. She guided the B.Ed. & M.Ed. students on how to maintain good physical health, along with this, she also guide the students about correct body posture ergonomic issues of teachers. Also she explained about various risk factor caused due to unawareness of correct body posture. At the end, she suggested by various solutions to maintain good physical health. All the IIERD students & faculties participated with full enthusiasm & understand how to maintain good physical health.


Guest Lecture on “Time Management“

A great lecture was organized by IIERD on 27 September, 2023 at IIS, Sitapura Campus for B.Ed. & M.Ed. students, on the occasion of Orientation Programme “ABHINANDAN 2023”. The speaker for the occasion was Dr. Suman Kant Singhal, who spoke at length on the aspects of the importance of time and development of a balanced personality. The prospective students were as encouraged to develop a positive attitude to lead a happy and successful life. The note of thanks was presented by Dr. Archana Jain, Principal, IIERD. The programme was compared by Dr. Shashi Yadav, Associate Professor, IIERD.


Guest Lecture on “Time Management“
A guest lecture was organized on the topic ”Time Management “ during the two day orientation programme on 22nd August 2019 by

Professor Anil Mehta, former Head and Professor, Department of Business Administration, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. Prof. Mehta is a well established trainer of the state and has been conducting training programmes in the field of Soft Skills, Management and HRD. In his lecture, Dr. Mehta stressed on the importance of time management and motivated the students to effectively manage their time so as to achieve success in their lives.


Guest Lecture on  “Breast Cancer: Facts and Prevention”
A Guest Lecture was organized by IIERD on 20th January,2018 at IIS Sitapura Campus for B.Ed and M.Ed. students. The topic was “Breast Cancer: Facts and Prevention”. The Guest Lecture was delivered by Dr. Prashant Kumbhaj , Assistant Professor Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Hospital, Sitapura Jaipur. Dr. Prashant Kumbhaj is an active member of various medical oncology associations and societies. He also has super specialty degree in medical oncology. The students were familiarized with the facts and preventive measures regarding Breast Cancer.

Dr. Prashant Kumbhaj laid emphasis on the need of healthy life style and the importance of healthy nutritious diet. He also answered a number of students queries on the subject of cancer which seems to be a common disease these days. The lecture benefited the students as well as the faculty members.
The programme was coordinated by Dr. Shashi Yadav, Assistant Professor IIERD

GUEST LECTURE ON Topic : Health Nutrition & Fitness
A guest lecture was organised on Health Nutrition and Fitness on 8th February 2016 at IIERD by Yoga Guru Devendra Agarwal, founder of NGO Maa Bhagwati Vikas Sansthan at Udaipur. The NGO is run with a mission to save the girl child. He enlightened the students with a message “Total Health with Yog.” According to his intellectual belief, there is a soul connection between the body and mind. Guruji imparted awareness about nutritive intake and correct body alignments to avoid spinal abnormalities. His lecture also provided recommendations that need to be implemented in our daily diet. This informative lecture turned out to be a milestone for students as it motivated them to take active measures for their optimal health with respect to proper body posture and spinal alignment.


An informative session on Disaster Management was organized at IIERD for B.Ed. and M.Ed. students, in coordination with Adventure Academy of Rajasthan, affiliated to Indian Mountaineering Foundation, New Delhi. The session, conducted under the supervision of Mr. Sunil Sanghi (Precident, AAR), motivated the students for undertaking training programs run by the academy in the field of Mountaineering, Adventure and Safety Techniques.

Guest Lecture, Ms. Chanda Asani
A guest lecture was organized for students of ICG Institute of Educational Research and Development, Jaipur on the topic “Women’s Health” on 4th September 2012, in the A.V. Hall, ICG Campus from 2.30 pm onwards. The speaker for the occasion was Ms. Chanda Asani, Asst. Professor, Centre for Women’s Studies, The IIS University, Jaipur. She spoke at length on issues related to Women’s Health in a very informal and relaxed environment. The students thoroughly enjoyed the interactive session that lasted for over an hour.

Guest Lecture, Ms. Salila Bhansali   
A guest lecture was held in the A.V. Hall for B.Ed and M.Ed students on 2nd February, 2011 at 11.00 am. Ms. Salila Bhansali, CEO, FM Radio 7, was the resource person for the day and she spoke to the future teachers and teacher educators on the finer techniques of articulation. She discussed the need to develop proper pronunciation and modulation while speaking. It was an interactive session that was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The students were greatly benefited by the session and were motivated enough to follows the tips and nuggets of wisdom given by the experts.

Guest Lecture, Dr. Radha Rani Saxena
A guest lecture was organized by IIERD in the A.V. Hall on 29th January, 2011 for B.Ed and M.Ed students. The resource person for the day was Prof. Radha Rani Saxena, Principal, School of Education, Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur. The topic given was “Content Analysis”. After the floral greetings by Dr. Sunil Khurana, Principal, IIERD, Dr. Radha Rani discussed the given topic for both B.Ed and M.Ed students. The vote of thanks was given by Dr. Sunil Khurana.

Topic : Detection and Treatment of Breast Cancer

Date : 10.03.2010 

A guest lecture was organized on 10 March, 2010 in the A.V. Hall. The Resource Person for the day was Mrs. Shashi Kapoor, President, Executive Committee, ‘Koshish’ an organization that works for the Cancer Support Group.          

The topic of the lecture was “Detection and Treatment of Breast Cancer”. The programme highlighted the various myths surrounding cancer through a short documentary film which was followed by an interactive session.

Topic : Hindi Language –Basic Traits and Technical Aspects.
Date : 14.09.2009

A guest lecture was organized by IIERD on the occasion of Hindi Diwas for B.Ed and M.Ed students. The topic of the Lecture was “Hindi Language –Basic Traits and Technical Aspects.”         

Dr. Abha Jain, Head Department of Hindi, Agarwal College was the Resource Person. Dr. Abha Jain laid emphasis on the need of the improvement in the level of mistakes being done in writing and speaking Hindi language. She told the upcoming teachers to work upon this problem as they can bring drastic changes among the students at very basic level. 

The lecture benefited the students as well as the faculty members.

A guest lecture cum paper presentation was held in the ICG campus for M.Ed. and B.Ed. students on the 15th of December, 2008. The programme was conducted under the able guidance of Dr. Sunil Khurana, Principal, IIERD. The participants were: 

1.     Ms. Bhavita Sharma, M.Ed. student

2.     Ms. Deepa Kumari Yadav, M.Ed. student 

The paper presentation by M.Ed. students was followed by a guest lecture by Dr. Raj Pal Singh, Former Dean, Faculty of Education, Banasthali Vidyapeeth on ‘Action Research’ Prof. Raj Pal Singh clarified the concept of action research and explained the steps involved in it. The programme concluded with the vote of thanks delivered by Malti Ankodia, M.Ed. student.

Guest Lecture “Use of Visual Aids in Pedagogy”
A Guest Lecture was organized by IIERD on 23rd of February, 08 for the B.Ed students to make them aware of different techniques and skill required in Pedagogy.

The resource person was Dr. Sharad Garg, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, ICG. The topic of the lecture was “Use of Visual Aids in Pedagogy”. The students were highly benefited by this fruitful and interactive session.

Guest Lecture on  Breast Cancer: Facts and Prevention
A Guest Lecture was organized for the B.Ed students on the 23rd of November, 07. The lecture was delivered by Ms.Shashi Kapoor, President, Koshish Mastectomy Association (India), Jaipur Chapter. The topic was “Breast Cancer: Facts and Prevention”. The students were familiarized with the facts and preventive measures regarding Breast Cancer.


 Guest Lecture on “ Educational aims and objectives”  

A Guest Lecture was organized by IIERD on 31st August, 2007 at ISIM Campus for B.Ed students. The topic of the Lecture was “ Educational aims and objectives”.  

Dr.Rajni Sharma, Professor in Education, Sh.Agrasen PG College of Education, Jamdoli was the resource person. Dr.Sharma has been teaching since last 27 years, out of which 20 yrs has been at the M.Ed level and she has guided 17 Research Scholars for Doctorate Degree till date. 

Dr.Rajni Sharma laid emphasis on the need of Values and Aim in Education as they bring practical changes among students. While initiating her talk on educational aims and objectives, Dr.Rajni said that teaching is a Profession  which can  change  the society or improve the society by making people aware of wisdom and appropriate values. Also she motivated the upcoming teachers by saying that  teacher should be well- cultured and a versatile personality because it is he, who makes the  future of country in the classroom. 

The lecture benefited the students as well as the faculty members.

Educational Improvement Programme in IERD 

An Educational Improvement Programme was held in ICGIERD on the 22nd of February, 2007. Prof. L.P. Gupta, former Principal, Vaish College of Education, Rohtak University, was the Resource person. Addressing the students, he talked at length about the educational aims and their significance in the present context. He said that self-analysis was essential for self development. He further emphasized that it was important that he teachers inculcated the power and patience amongst the students that enabled them to stand critical evaluation.

The students thoroughly enjoyed the interactive session. The programme ended with a Vote of Thanks by Dr. Sunil Khurana, Principal ICGIERD.


Topic : Language Improvement
Date : 18.01.2007

A one day Language Improvement workshop was organized for B.Ed students on 18th January, 2007. The Resource Person was Dr. Neerja Mehta, HOD, Department of Hindi. The Workshop was an eye opener in helping the students understand the common problems encountered in Hindi language usage.

Use of Technology for Communication

A Lecture-cum-demonstration on the ‘Use of Technology for Communication’ was held on the 12th of February 2007 for all the students of B. Ed. Mr. Sharad Garg, Asst. Prof., Department of Business Administration, International College for Girls, was the Resource Person. The lecture acquainted the students with the use of Audio-visual aids in Pedagogy. The students found it highly informative.


Topic : Formulation of Instructional Objectives in English Language Teaching
Date : 08.11.2006

A guest lecture was organized for B.Ed students having English as their teaching subject. The Resource Person was Prof. Rita Arora, HOD, Department of Education, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. The topic of lecture was – “Formulation of Instructional Objectives in English Language Teaching”. The students were familiarized with the learning outcomes with respect to behavioural changes.