

Since its founding more than a few decades back, India International School has grown into a diverse and vibrant institution, nurturing the latent aptitude of our young petals to embolden them to fully bloom into their best selves.
Our alumni are the embodiments of the values and hopes of IIS. They are the flourishing blossoms and trees which scatter their fragrance and fruits in the form of their rich academic excellence, remarkable ideas and services, outstanding achievements as well as their commitment to public service.
All of the alumni of IIS have established themselves in various parts of the world and continue to achieve new heights with their undeterred zeal and determination. They have dispersed to enter diverse fields and streams all in numerous countries all over the globe, some of which are – but not limited to – medical sciences, information technology, fine arts, history, political sciences, civil services, linguistics, astronomy, microbiology, business, management, law et cetera.
Our alumni have successfully made their mark in all facets of society and the world, and accordingly made us most proud of them and all their endeavors. Even the smallest effort by our petals makes us tremendously appreciative of their efforts. All of our former students have always been most willing to give their best in working for their community whenever they got an opportunity and it is this dedication which makes them our collection of wealth.
It is on that note that we request all of our former scholars to connect with us. Like an echo in the forest, we invite our blooming petals to return and reconnect with us. You are an integral part of the IIS fraternity, and it will give us immense pleasure to have the opportunity to establish a continued association with you.

IIS Alumni Connect-Reconnect - Membership Form