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Dear Alumni,
It gives the school endless contentment to have the chance to continue everlasting ties with you. In order to do so, we would like to request you to fill the following form as best you can.
The aforementioned form consists of several questions, starting from how to reach you as well as seeking information about your experiences and current endeavours. The reason we ask you to furnish this information is because we are currently in the process of redesigning our website and would like to include your valuable input in the remodeled website.
The purpose of including alumni input on our website is for the sake of providing a connected platform to the IIS community. It will be invaluable in further strengthening the roots of our institution and will also allow the current as well as former student batches to assist each other by staying connected.
Hence, with your consent and approval, we request you to provide us with details of your endeavours and success stories so we may be able to create a pool of intellectual wealth and enrich our students with your indispensable knowledge and experience.