Continuing with the wholehearted mood and enigmatic flavor of the
event MOSAIC 2010, the second day also
proved to be multifarious at IIIM.
First event of the day two of
Mosaic-2010 was ‘BISAAT’- A game to test the
perceptive impulse to win the customer mind
space by developing marketing strategies for
the product “Momos”, keeping in mind
product's sales, distribution, pricing and
promotion with the ultimate aim of gaining
maximum product mileage. Participants
designed the complete portfolio with
marketing plan & creative layout (logo,
punch line, jingles) bearing in mind the
competitive market scenario. The judges for
the event were, Mr. S.K. Nigam, Mr. Ashish
Kandhari and Mr. Puneet Gangal. The winner
was Maharishi Arvind Institute of
Engineering and Technology, and Pacicfic
Institute of Management Udaipur, stood
second. |